"Past Of Time" is a 3D animated series consisting of 20 episodes, each 13 minutes long, following the fascinating journey of Isadora, a curious 12-year-old girl. The adventure begins when the owl of the goddess Athena appears in her bedroom closet, revealing a tiny door that Isadora had never noticed before. Upon crossing this door, she discovers the magical museum Past Of Time. Inside this enchanted museum, Isadora encounters a variety of characters who spark her curiosity, leading her to explore different eras of world history. Each encounter offers Isadora a new perspective on the world, making her journey a rich and transformative experience.
Rex is a young Tyrannosaurus, though he doesn't know it. His display sign has gone missing, so he isn’t quite sure where his place in the museum is. As he explores the museum searching for his spot, he gets to know every corner, every secret passage, and all the characters of the Universal Past of Time. Rex is friendly with everyone and considers himself the museum’s best guide. Always ready to help, he’s quite chatty, often saying too much and cracking jokes at the wrong time.
Isadora is a very curious 12-year-old girl who loves discovering new worlds, a good story, and everyday curiosities. She never misses an adventure and isn’t afraid of the unknown. Isadora is drawn to the magical world of the Universal Past of Time when an owl enters her wardrobe. Upon opening it, she finds a little door that hadn’t been there before, transporting her to the magical museum world. Throughout the season, Isadora learns from the museum’s characters about historical facts, personalities, customs, and major events. With each episode, she gains new insights about the world and people.
Cícero is the wise owl of the goddess Athena. He knows the truth, the facts, and historical data. He is meticulous and has precise knowledge of dates, locations, and events. He illustrates events with infographics to explain everything more easily. He’s the one who sneaks into Isadora's room and wardrobe, luring her into the magical world of the Past of Time.
Tom, Tim, Ed & Jorge
Tom is a Triceratops, a large species with horns and a frill. Always ready for a snack, he seems to have an insatiable appetite. Tim is a Pteranodon, the only dinosaur in the display who can fly. He's the smallest and quickest of the group, similar to a miniature pinscher. Ed is an Ankylosaurus, the spiky member of the gang—funny, lively, and often outspoken with a bit of an edge. Jorge is a Plesiosaurus, the tallest and friendliest of the dinosaurs. All of them are part of the dinosaur display in the museum hall and are responsible for the theme music of each episode.
Tut is the mummy of the famous Pharaoh Tutankhamun, the only Pharaoh whose sarcophagus was discovered by historians. Although he died young, at the age of 19, Tut has a youthful and rebellious spirit. He’s a fascinating character who loves to reveal the darker side of history, sharing quirky details, curiosities, and humorous facts that aren’t found in history books. Tut has the Egyptian Wing all to himself but prefers to bask in the sunlight in the most comfortable area. With his playful character, he loves to scare and prank people, adding a unique mix of humor and mystery to the museum.
Athena is a 12-meter-tall statue of the goddess Athena, crafted from marble and gold. Standing imposingly on her marble pedestal in the Greek Wing, Athena exudes seriousness and authority. She approaches history with depth, exploring themes of politics, civilization, and the injustices of past times. With her powerful stance, she sees herself not just as a representation but as the goddess Athena herself.
Monalisa is the living painting of the Monalisa, seated within her frame. As one of the most famous artworks in the world, she holds the authority to speak on art and culture. Enthralled by art, Monalisa emphasizes its importance in documenting and spreading the culture, customs, and attire of a people.
Dioramas is an adaptable display room. In front of the display, there’s a touch monitor that allows users to select different times and places in history. When a period is chosen, the display transforms into a corresponding scene, complete with its personalities, costumes, and architecture. The characters are represented with standard figures, changing only the accessories, similar to Playmobil figurines.
Dr. Onóris Causa
Dr. Onóris Causa is a character who considers himself a history expert. He roams the museum corridors with his enormous history book, constantly consulting it to provide precise dates, periods, names, and facts that no one asked for. Dr. Onóris is extremely enthusiastic, always eager to display his knowledge. He frequently interrupts other characters, barging into any space and never allowing anyone else to speak—all to showcase his historical insights. He’s more focused on the facts than on understanding the people behind the events. Dr. Onóris believes he’s a tremendous help to Isadora, and he feels very proud whenever she gets a detail right thanks to his constant interjections.
The Sphinx is a mythical figure from Greek mythology, with the body of a lion, eagle wings, and the head of a woman. She serves as the guardian of truth in the Passado da Hora museum, ensuring that no false information is spread. To exit the museum, visitors must answer a question posed by her correctly. If they get it right, the doors open; if they get it wrong, they may just become her snack.
Camila Kauling
Paolo Conti
Executive Producer
Joana Bocchini
Paolo Conti
Art Director
Juan Carlos Viríssimo
Animation Director
Paolo Conti
Camila Kauling
Paolo Conti
Walter Plitt Quintin
Demian Rios
Camila Kauling
Production Coordinator
Karina Fragoso
Character Designer
Demian Rios
Paolo Conti
Concept Art
Juan Carlos Viríssimo
Historical Review
Franco Alves da Silva
Walter Plitt
Pesquisa Karina Fragoso
Production Assistant
Carlos Zuchowski
Rafaele Thauane
Manu Silva
3D Supervisor
Rafael Kojiio
3D Artists
Alessandro Maróstica
Felipe Oliveira Gall
Gabriel Junqueira
Leonardo Kozlovski
Mateus Babone
Olavo Oliveira
Thiago Bossada
Victor Ziem
Walther Lang
Lucas Vieira dos Santos
Rafael Kojiio
Vinicius Girotto Vargas
Jorge Luna (Coluna)
Paolo Conti
Jorge Luna (Coluna)
3D Technicians
Marcius Furtado
Rafael Kojiio
Technical Assistance
Lucas Vieira dos Santos
Felipe Oliveira Gall
Vinicius Girotto Vargas
Antonio Ganzer
Flavia Palla Ferrato
João Vinicius Huller
Juliana Pelozato
Marilia Dauer
Namaria Hora
Thiago Simm
Animation Assistant
Karina Fragoso
Leonardo Kozlovski
Victor Ziem
Post Production Supervisor
Juan Carlos Viríssimo
Post Producer
Gabriel Junqueira
Audio Director
Estúdio Urbano Soluções em Áudio
Sound Designer e Mixing
Jean Gengnagel
Additional Arrangements and Compositions
Cicero Bordignon
Music Production
Estúdio Urbano
Opening Theme
Music & Lyric
Cicero Bordignon
Isadora – Isadora Sanchez
Rex – Pedro Dettoni
Cícero – Cicero Bordignon
Tim, Tom, Ed e Jorge – Nelson Félix
Athena – Tainá Froner
Monalisa – Camila Kauling
Tut – Luan Renato Telles
Dr. Onóris Causa – Paolo Conti
Esfinge – Dani Tucuxi
Personagens Extras – Igor Lima
Bla Bla Bla Libras
Audio Description & Closed Caption
Equipe Animaking
Sapiens Parque
For more information about this project, please send an email to rights@animaking.com.br